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Friday, January 21, 2011


Every nite at our house you can hear the little sounds of helicopters...Yes.  
 Theeeeeeerrrrrrreeeeeee Heeeeerrrrrrreeeeeeee!!! The gift that keeps on giving!!
The stinkbugs..My house is over run with these critterzzzz.
      Last nite I swear one was drinking beer in the kitchen...then he/she looked at my car keys for so long that I figured I better move them or their could be a D.U.!!!!!.. I have also seen them drink Coca Cola, eat butter, Gatorade and any other thing that spills anywhere in the house..WOW!! They actually looked like they were maybe holding a convention on the light beside me.. probably selling Au de stink to make sure they had a good stinker supply for the next day.

      Now, I don't mind bugs, really!! I regularly go out a night and take the pool net and save anything that is on top of the water so it doesn't drown..I know...crrrraaazzzyyy!!!!! But these guys went to far last night...I found one in my pocketbook writing a check...Now, I have no idea WHERE he thought he/she was going to shop because there is no money in the acct..HAHA!! Tricked him.!
I do know that my husband HATES bounced checks =)))  ah oh!!    
      Hey...that's it...I can say it was the stink bugs...yea..that's it.. Maybe I do like stink bugs. Maybe they are a gift...wonder if they like ... lasagna?????

1 comment:

  1. They are everywhere. I was at yoga last night, and during a very zen moment that pungent smell permeated my spot. Didn't open my eyes, because I just didn't want to see ANOTHER one! Don't forget what I told you - if you don't kill them, they WILL REPRODUCE...
