I can remember when I was little and we would pray for snow days because we would get to
play outside, eat chocolate snow ice cream., drive our mother crazy, and watch TV.
Wow, chocolate snow ice cream no wonder our generation has medical problems...do you think the air was cleaner or is it dirtier now. The chemicals were actually stronger then but not as many of them. Oh, well it was still wonderful..
Snowball fights...yeah. Staying out until you practically had frostbite,
but to young to care if you did. Sledding into the wee hours of the morning...and if you were REALLY lucky riding your horse in the snow.
We were lucky enough to have a very smart and resourceful dad who bought a sleigh...AHHH!! My horse in the picture..star would pull the sleigh. Great memories.
This must be what my grandparents always said were the good old days..They don't all sound so good, but these are a few I wouldn't mind living again.
WHAT A DUMB IDEA!! But, a cute one :)

One of my biggest problems now is taking my dog for a walk in the snow..The other day I was trying to figure out how
Do you layer clothes on a dog??? I told my husband the only thing I had warm enough for my furry kid Chewy was her pumpkin suit from a couple of years ago..of course being a guy he said " who cares just wear it " Yea!! That will be just lovely. We would sure get some stares and laughs. Then I was thinking maybe boots. HA! Couldn't I just put glad bags with rubber bands on her feet...or small garbage bags. HEHE!
Recycling , oh why not..come on! But I decided I would put her 2 most heavy sweatcoats on and take her out..
Remember the movie where the kid fell over because his mom bundled him up so much to go outside. Well, it was a repeat only with a different kid. She couldn't walk..stood and looked at me like..is this fun??? No...this is really stupid..Oh well..we went and we definately walked slower but we did get outside.
Maybe I won't take her next time..she can just laugh at me trying to walk in the snow with my layers on.